Web writing: what does it consist of?

Writing for the web consists of writing content for a website by meeting the requirements of search engines so that they are visible.
⚠️ We tend to think of content writing as limited to blog posts.
Content writing includes:
The pages of your website: From the home page to the contact page each one must have a very precise objective. Each of them must see their content optimized according to this objective.
The landing page: An alias landing page or landing page, it aims to encourage the visitor to fill out a form or click to a next step.
The FAQ or your support pages: it allows you to answer questions from visitors and users of your services or products.
White papers: it’s a bit like a logon blog post on a specific topic that must answer a problem by providing answers. How to create a Wikipedia profile it can be referenced even if this is not the rule.
As a web editor, this requires you to have two hats:
1- The writer: You write web content with high added value for your audience to meet their needs.
2- “SEO Expert”: Writing content for the web requires a very good mastery of SEO requirements so that your content is visible. You must know the basics of natural referencing and keep yourself informed of the various updates so that your content is well optimized.
To summarize:
A web editor writes blog articles, a landing page or content for the pages of a site that he will optimize onions for his web content is on the first page of Google.
The mindset of the web editor
Today, content marketing is essential for a company’s marketing strategy and the SEO of its website to be effective.
Content writing has become more and more important and content is more and more competitive as everyone wants to get the top spot.
You will certainly have understood it, creating content to create content has no interest.
When you write content, you have to say to yourself: I want to be number one on Google. I have to do better than my competition.
There I see you coming. You say to yourself: “OK, but it takes time to be in first place”
Think again.
If you optimize your content lightly, you will see the result very quickly. If you doubt it, no worries. Ask Nicolas, the pissed off chief analytics guy at Sales Odyssey, he’ll be happy to give you feedback and share some results with you!
The prerequisites for effective web content writing
If you want your content to make a difference, you must comply with these prerequisites.
Have a good knowledge of your target
Whatever type of content you create, you need to know your target audience well.
So that means you have to define your personas to create quality content. Why? Because all web content must make it possible to respond to the problem of its reader.
To write blog articles it’s obvious, but in reality it is valid for any type of content t, your home page, a landing page for a google ads campaign and even your contact page.
Define your goals
In order for your content to be the best and to reach the first page of Google, set goals for yourself.
Goals are important to have a clear vision of the results you want to achieve. It will also allow you to challenge yourself and improve your articles if you observe that the results obtained are not what you expected.
Don’t be too greedy on the goals you want to achieve. Prefer SMART objectives: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.
Define your performance indicators
Who says “objectives” says KPI!
Web content is like social networks, you have to define goals and follow specific performance indicators: article rank, number of visitors, time spent…
This is essential to observe the results obtained and see if you have achieved your goals.
This will also allow you to observe the progress of your content on Google and the difficulties it encounters in ranking. Based on your observations, you can make improvements to consolidate positions.
For a blog post, for example:
I advise you, the first weeks, to follow their progress on the search engines. What I mean by this is tracking the position and number of the page your posts are on.
If they are not well positioned on Google, they will not be visible and therefore not read by your target.
As soon as you see traffic on your article, I advise you to track the time spent by your visitor, especially if it is long. This is a great metric to track whether or not people are reading your article. You can also track the number of unique visitors and observe the progress.
If your articles have lead magnets (content to download in exchange for personal data), you can relate the number of people who read your article to those who downloaded the document.
The tools to use to measure your SEO performance: infographic
Of course, to monitor the performance of your content you will need to use SEO tools. The best known are Google analytics and Mateo analytics.
There are many more. To help you use the right tools, we have listed all the SEO tools to use based on your needs ⬇️

11 steps to optimize your web content
All the steps that we will see below, are valid for all the pages of your site and not just for a blog post.
You should not neglect any if you want to ensure the visibility of your content.
To properly optimize your web content, several elements must be taken into account:
1- The background of your pages: definition of the keyword, personalization of the URL, the title tag, the meta-description.
This concerns all the elements that you will find in the back office of your site.
2- The optimization of the page itself: the chap, the H1, H2 and H3 tags, the keyword variants, the ALT tag and the internal mesh.
Step 1: Identify the right main keyword
Choosing the right keyword is essential to give the pages of your site every chance of being referenced by search engines and thus of being found by users. Make sure you define your personas and their issues to be able to identify the right target keyword.
To do this, you can use Ubersuggest. This tool allows you to identify the right keywords to fill in your content. It also gives you all the keyword variations and long tail searches to use.
Step 2: Enter the keyword in the URL
By definition, the URL is used to find a page of your website on search engines. By entering the target keyword, search engines will better understand the topic addressed and thus promote its SEO.
Step 3: Complete the title tag
The title tag (not to be confused with the H1 tag) is an HTLM tag corresponding to the title of the page you see appearing on the search engine when it generates your query results. This tag is very important for your SEO, so you need to fill it in with your target keyword.
Step 4: Fill in the Meta description
The Meta description is the text you see appearing on search engines below the URL. It is used to indicate to the user what will be in the page. It must not exceed 160 characters and include the target keyword.
Step 5: Define the H1 tag
The H1 tag corresponds to the title in your article. It is important for search engines because it indicates the beginning of your article structure and is a great SEO contributor. It must imperatively include your target keyword.
Step 6: Work on the introduction of your page
Whether from a reader’s point of view or from an SEO point of view, it should not be overlooked. Your introduction should be short, punchy, and should include your target keyword in the first few lines.
Step 7: Define H2 Tags
The H2 tag corresponds to the second title of your pages and must include the keyword or its variants. It allows to indicate the major parts which compose them. This is where the structure is important, because in addition to the large parts you will have to define your sub-parts with the H3 tag.
Step 8: Define H3 Tags
The H3 tag corresponds to the sub-part of your large parts (example: the small A, B, C of your part 1). Just like the other tags, it defines the structure of your web page and contributes to the SEO of the article Take advantage of H3 to add keyword variations.
Step 9: Introduce variations of your keyword into your content
The content should include variations of the target keyword to allow users to find it by other terms. Do not hesitate to integrate long tail keywords.
To identify keyword variations, you can use the following SEO tools:
Answer the Public: This tool allows you to identify all the queries made by Internet users in different forms depending on the keyword you insert.
Google Suggestions: These provide all of the searches associated with your initial search.
You can also use the Ubersuggest tool mentioned just above.
Warning! The idea is not to do keyword stuffing but to intelligently introduce other keywords by meeting the needs of your audience.
Step 10: Fill in the ALT tag of your images
Introducing images brings diversity of content and boosts SEO thanks to the ALT (alternative text) tag. By entering the target keyword (or variants) in the tag, you describe the image to search engine robots, which, once identified, refer it.
For those who are new to the Abode suite software (photos hope, illustrator and InDesign), here are 13 free tools to create visuals.

tips: The video is highly rated by search engines.

In addition to providing diversity of content, it helps boost your SEO and encourages the reader to spend time on your site.
Step 11: Work the internal mesh
The internal mesh corresponds to the links that you introduce in your article to redirect your readers to other pages of your site.
Warning! It does not consist in inserting a link here and there.
Internal networking is extremely important for natural referencing as well as for your readers.
It makes it easier for your readers to navigate your site and find the information they need without going through a search engine again. Wikipedia writing service it also allows him to progress in his course by moving from one subject to another.
To achieve your internal networking, we advise you to create a content strategy to have real visibility on your reader’s journey and internal networking.

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